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Pivio will transform your life in 12 weeks.

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What are people saying

I have had struggles with weight and feeling tired all the time, especially as a mom of four. When I decided to do this program I didn't have a lot of support from my husband but decided to give it my all anyway. My health is my responsibility and I need to do what I can so that I can live my life to the fullest now and later and teach my kids to do the same. I feel stronger, clearer, more vibrant and energetic, and my skin glows. Of course I've lost weight and overall my labs improved. I'd say I'm even more optimistic and joyful. Thank you Pivio.

<div class="editor-content"><p>Jazz</p></div>,


When I started the Pivio journey I was an out of shape, 59 year old woman with severe swelling and inflammation. I didn’t think I could do it! Well, I did, and the result was an 11 lb weight loss! The swelling is completely gone and I have so much more energy! The participants in the videos became family members and I was excited each week to find out what the next adventure would be with their weight loss journey. I have gained not only knowledge on how my body works, but also how the fuel I put into works with my body. This is a wonderful program and I wish it was longer than 12 weeks! My total weight loss was 18 lbs, but I gained a family & friends! Thank you so much for changing my life and they way I look at food! I am forever grateful!

<div class="editor-content"><p>Carrie H.</p></div>,

Carrie H.

Do I think that Pivio gave me a sleep pill and a magic solution? no, of course not. It gave me something even better, a true understanding of how important is to rest and disconnect. I was not aware that I was having sleep problems and how it impacted in my food decisions.

Now I feel like I can manage my health in a better way, focusing not just in the food area but in a well being.

<div class="editor-content"><p>Tatiana</p></div>,


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